Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Back from a long slumber. Objectives, Rough Riders and a bit of Fluff.

G'Day everyone.

Well it has been far, far too long since I have done anything here, or anything hobby related really. Many things have kept my attention elsewhere but hopefully this will be a rekindling of my hobby.

So as an intro into this post I will outline briefly the background of my army and some of the plans I have rolling around inside my skull.

Terrak Is a Fortress World controlled heavily by the Schola Progenium. Each of its vast fortress cities are built around a Schola Hall, which other than the standard roll a Schola performs, serves as the bastion and headquarters of each city as well as the training ground and barracks of the PDF and Imperial Guard regiments. Consequently Terrakan regiments contain large numbers of Commissars and Commissar cadets, who fight alongside the Terrakans until they are given their full commissions.

Terrak was once classified as a Hive World (A very minor one compared to Armageddon and Necromunda), back when the warp storms abated and the great Crusade fleets brought Terrak willingly into the fold of the Imperium. Unfortunately during the Horus Heresy, Terrak was engulfed in bitter civil war which saw its Hives turned to ruins in the fighting. The civil war saw the Terrakans become adept city fighters and the ruined husks of three of the hives have been kept as training grounds for the Terrakan Imperial Guard regiments.

A final note is the unorthodox inclusion of canines in Terrakan regiments. Terraks entire animal kingdom is composed of canines in some form or another. It is believed that the original colonists of Terrak worshiped the Canine to the extreme, and with the help of gene splicing, cloning and other lesser known means created their own canine paradise. As a result these creatures are a major part of each Terrakans daily life and has followed them into war, serving as guides, guards, and even as mounts for their cavalry formations.

So that’s an outline of where my fluff is heading, and I am slowly bashing away at it with the hope of making my own Codex supplement complete with units, rules and fluff.

Anyway, let’s get some pictures in here!

First up we have a WiP objective marker, so far it has proven to be the most hotly contested objective, with hundreds of casualties sustained in its capture during our battles.

I present to you. The Puppies of the Terrakan 13th.

And here are the other two of my WiP objective markers, a fallen standard bearer and a very uninspired ammunition cache.

Fallen standard bearer, not happy with the blood on this but have recently acquired some Tamiya clear red I have been told makes great blood effects, so stay tuned for that.

Guns, ammo, supplies, the jack of all trades objective marker.

And this is a unit I have wanted to build for a long time, and they have been sitting on my desk in this state for far to long. Time to finish them up I think. Sorry in advance for the shoddy phone pictures.

Sergeant number 1 armed with power axe and bolt pistol. Its a huge axe I know, but I just love the sheer badass look he has.

Sergeant number 2 armed with a much more standard power sword and bolt pistol. A lot of their gear is made with greenstuff push molds and the beret heads are from Maxmini.

The standard riders are mounted on Fenrisian Wolves, I did originally want to have all of them riding Thunderwolves but the cost is quite daunting. My thoughts are if I do get enough Thunderwolves in the future they can represent Death Riders while the smaller wolves will be the bog standard riders.

Rider 1
Rider 1

Rider 2

Rider 2

Rider 3
Rider 3

The Gang all together.

Well that's all for now. Hope you like them, any comments and/or criticism is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

Thanks for looking.
Cheers, Cuthbo


  1. Ohhh, Fortress Worlds are cool! The Schola Progenium are cool! Everything about that fluff is cool! Sounds very much like a dog eat dog world!
    So, hundreds of casualties to save the puppies hey, seems like a worthwhile objective. The puppies are very cute and they each have a perfect colour scheme.
    Brilliant canine cavalry - fits the full beautifully. The Fenrisian Wolves make such imposing mounts that I’m sure most opponents just run away!
    Did you make the moulds for the green stuff equipment yourself? If so, what did you use?
    Nice work on the scratch built lances. I like the tail on the back. I don’t know if you were planning to add more but you could add some detail along the lance shaft. It depends what look you are going for. If you wanted to break up the long thin silhouette you could add another small length of rod from the lance tip to the riders hand (as a detonation controller). If not, they look really cool as they are. It’s always hard to know with conversions when to stop and when to add more. I always go a bit overboard.
    Cheers for posting these Cuthbo, like I said, it is all very cool.

    1. Hey Colonel, thanks very much for the kind words. The puppies came from a 1:35th Tamiya set I think.

      I am really happy with the wolves, I was worried they might seem too small but I think they work really well, the next big step id trying to work out what colour to paint them.

      All the greenstuuf moulds are just simple push moulds, works for anything that dosen't have any detail in the back face. Gun holsters, Auspex, lots of rucksacks, and pouches. I will do a tutorial if you like?

      As too the lances I agree they seem a bit thin, was thinking maybe running a cable, or a secondary rod too the grip as you suggested. As well as bulking up the lance just before the riders hand like a traditional lance.

      Thanks again for the comments, much appreciated.
      Cheers, Cuthbo
