Thursday, 30 January 2014

My finished Guard so far. Part 2: Heavy weapons squads

G'day everyone,

later post than I would have liked, busy with work and real life, too tired, blah, blah blah, excuses....etc, anyways.

Today we have some pictures of my finished heavy weapons teams. Still have a mortar team to build, still trying to decide how to pose them considering this platoon is mostly "in motion", not sure a running mortar team would look the part. Your thoughts?

here we have team 1, Missile launchers. as my army is Urban themed I wanted to take the chance to give the teams a sort of mini diorama feel that only the large bases allow.

Team 2, Heavy bolters, still seems I need to drill one of the barrels.

well there you go, I hope you enjoyed them, please let me know wht you think.

thanks for looking.

Cheers Cuthbo

Monday, 20 January 2014

My finished Guard so far. Part 1: Infantry squads

G'day everyone.

Today I have decided to post up the few pictures of my finished models thus far. These guys have gone through many changes and rebuilds over the years until they have reached this point. Some are fresh builds, others have been ripped apart and rebuilt.

I have tried to give each squad a particular "feel" determined by their battlefield role. These guys are from my 1st Platoon, I use them for storming objectives and moving rapidly up the board, so I have tried to give all the squads a real feel of movement.

Anyway onto the pictures:

This is 1st squad, of my 1st platoon, a few closeups showing the overall gritty feel I'm going for as well as there range of extra kit.

Assault trooper, Sergeant and signals officer
Extra kit, weapons and packs

Rear view of kit

Charging troopers

trooper, DMR trooper and SAW/L trooper
rear view of kit

Last member, scout with motion tracker unit.
He will be getting a dog as well when I get the parts

top view of motion tracker

Close up of SAW/L: Squad automatic weapon/laser
Close up of DMR trooper: designated marksman rifle

1st squad
Rear view of kit

2nd squad
extra kit
3rd squad

kit view

4th squad, no rear view for these guys, can't seem to find it

Wow, that was a few pictures, let me know if you would like any more angles or closeups of particular models. Hope you liked them, please leave any thoughts, comments, ideas etc you would like. Next up will be the heavy weapons teams and maybe some background fluff.

Cheers for stopping by.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

And so it begins.....

G’day everyone.

Welcome to what I hope will be a constant and fulfilling log of my, and my gaming groups adventures and shenanigans into tabletop war gaming/painting/modelling and some other topics. It has mainly come about due to my recent forays into the blogging universe, mainly the blogs of Colonel ScipioColonel GravisColonel AcklandMordian7th just to name but a few. All of these blogs are full of amazing models, fluff and inspiration.

So onto my own plans: 
I am very lucky to have such a great group of gamers who live close by and mostly, have been mates since school. At the moment we have about 15 members who come over to my place once a fortnight to game/build/paint/talk trash. We have been gaming for about 3 years now and there have been some great battles. 

Recently a few of the core and more hardcore fluff fans have gotten together to create The Eternal Campaign, a rule set that will let us play out a never ending (for the moment) campaign set in a sector of space we have built ourselves, complete with planetary effects/ special rules and an experience system for our units and commanders. We are hoping that this will create a more in depth feeling to our battles, as our actions as commanders will have affects on our forces.

This blog will feature mostly my own collection of models, but I will be sure to display the forces of the other guys and girls in my group as well as the fluff we have built for the sector and any house rules we design.
Trooper from 1st Company,
1st Platoon, 3rd Squad.

My Forces:
I am a Guard fan at heart, always have been, always will be and though I like other races, it is the Guard that have always held my attention.

My current "main" force is the 1st Company of the Terrakan 13th, an urban styled combat regiment nicknamed the "War Dogs". It sits at approximately 3000 points of almost pure infantry, the only exception being a unit of 3 armoured sentinels. 

Navy SEALs inspired
Kill team trooper
This is currently the 3rd incarnation of the army, it started out as a Mobile Infantry (Starship Troopers) styled force in 4th edition, before becoming an airborne drop trooper list in 5th, and now finally an all infantry urban assault force. My hope and general plan is to build the entire company, a force of about 1000 men as it stands now. (approx 13,000 points) Along the way I plan on building small forces from other planets in the Sector (one of which is my Navy SEALs inspired Kill Team), so I do not burn out on the one force, and to feed my always inspired modelling bug.

Anyway, that should do for a first post, check back soon for plenty of pictures and the beginnings of my fluff (be warned, I am not a writer. I belt the crap out of steel for a living so it my be clunky and terribly cliché.) 

Thanks for looking, all comments are welcome.